...everywhere. Everywhere. They are what create and destruct. Pity. Writing that story...which has been edited i can tell you.
These were my last thoughts, last year, last blog entry.
Shit happened of course ..."that's life" cliche grossness and all that unspoken, but thought about quite a bit, concern. Disgusting.
Onwards and upwards i say in my medieval stammer i like to think i have at times, teehee.
YES, here i am again, new...on the mend as some would like to dramatically state.

Kimmy. Kimiko. and those bastards who are not my mother who no matter how many times i ask politely not to call me KIMBERLEY!!!
Ahhh yes, new, what is it they say...turning over a new leaf? Goodness no, i have not done "nowt" wrong, apart from maybe love food too much and think him to be the right one...this shall be rectified (Kimmy, YOUR EYES ARE TOO BIG FOR YOUR STOMACH bullshit).
But new dreams, new passions....Goodbye Mr.Reynolds and welcome singleton life again i suppose.
On the contrary i am still obsessed with Japan, Fashion & all aspects of the art world so "nowt" new there. However i have become obsessed with cooking, everything being vintage and obscure as well as a more passionate drive, more ambitious want to be successful.
So hurrah, fucking high five. The Moomin Queen is back, with a vengeance...and a disgustingly cheesy shelf devoted to my Moomin objects, laugh all you want it's bloody cute ^_^
And yet as i said last time, "I have a long way to go to conquer thisi" indeed i do....
Bring it ON EGGNOGS!
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