Broadway cinema.
Soooooo bloody excited to go and see Alice in Wonderland on Saturday (yes which will have it's own say as soon as i see it ^_^ probably will be an essay though so forgive me) but OH NO, Cineworld yet again decides to be a moose and sold out all the tickets...ok so not totally the cinemas fault, more the population of Nottingham going to see MY FILM, yes MY FILM!!!!
I have waited a year to see this...i can not wait any longer grrrrr.
Had a look into Broadway with Mr.Reynolds to see if they were showing any viewings, alas it was not so.
Wednesday it is then.
However, whilst mooching about Broadway land, i realised how awesome this particular cinema is. I really should go to it more often. Really quirky, interesting films, rare oldies and foreign bombardments as well as the odd illustrative artist showing off their work in the main room as you grab some tasty munch.
I remember last time i was there being completely awe struck by an illustrative motion picture called "Blu - Muto". I researched it and found the video, yay, but the rest of the other work on the site is just amazing, really detailed time consuming art. I admire it so much though, all that dedication and inspiration into creating a piece. To think, creativity in a big load can be mentally draining, all that subconcious and concious flow of ideas and thoughts, negativity sometimes worms its way through, and yet the finished piece, you tend to question....how on earth did they manage to do that? It truly is inspiring!
Honestly if you have the time to take a look around the site, you will find some amazing, trippy stuff on there, or watch the video of "Muto".
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