Thursday, 27 May 2010

...following the path of the missing puzzle....

The Labyrinth...
...The Maze...
...The Puzzle.

It has been brought to my attention that i adore losing my own thoughts
within my work.
Whether that be drawing, writing music or stories, i seem to possess the feeling i am

through too many ideas at once, or balancing on a thread of explosive
creativity at the time that i end up plummeting into darkness.
It is this darkness that i adore.

It is not lonely.
It is not about being trapped.
It is not about being afraid.

It is about relishing that ultimate silence.
Basking in a subdued format to collect yourself and most importantly THINK!

Mr.Reynolds has been so kind as to set me a project based on
"Futuristic Detectives"
Already i have a plan set up and about a gizillion ideas running about.
It has been so extreme that i have written 5 new songs (absoloutely non-related to the project - i just has to use up some creativity steam)
drafted rough sketches of mens and womenswear and started collecting research...
...bearing in mind, the deadline is the 1st of August.

I need to learn to balance the excitement so that it propels and sustains my work.
In the past i have overwhelmed myself with work due to sheer excitement. Although this is a is also rather stupid! I am hoping this task, as well as the ones i have set myself beforehand for "Kimmy's Rose Garden" will help me prepare
for when i return to Trent.

"Flirting with lumberjacks" - Tin (

Thursday, 13 May 2010

...looking deep into that abyss hole of art...

Manuel Albarran
...Specialising in Metal Couture & Accessories...

After finishing his studies in Fashion, Manuel took up his interests in metal to the next level,
building up a self-taught career researching and working in different art fields
to find out what suited him best.

His work has become a massive collaboration with all areas of the media
around the world.

His love for metal has stretched beyond Fashion, focusing on art and cinema as well.

I first noticed his work in a Lady Gaga music video, yes admittedly quite a commerical find but you have to agree she does involve alot of high couture fashion in her
music to exaggerate her alter-ego self, much like Beyonce's "Sasha Fierce".

Overall i adore his work, so industrial and fantasy like, themes i generally adore, however
i don't believe his website casts a big enough glow on the displaying of his


Thursday, 6 May 2010

...i hope to fall into his desire...

T.S Eliot somehow wants me to excel in my secret realm....

....yes ok so he is in le high heavens, but he is most definitely smiling down at me. I know this by his poem, or rather i'd like to believe this, taken from the first part of his prose; BUIRNT NORTON (No. 1 of 'Four Quartets')

It doesn't seem to make sense as i was born after this was written, also never knowing about one another, aka yes i was born after he died, HOWEVER, he has been quoted in the introduction of my favorite book, "Alice in Wonderland".

"Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable. What might have been is an abstraction Remaining a perpetual possibility Only in a world of speculation. What might have been and what has been Point to one end, which is always present. Footfalls echo in the memory Down the passage which we did not take Towards the door we never opened Into the rose-garden. My words echo Thus, in your mind."

That is me....It is me.

An oddball trapped, confused at loss in a world focused on time, as to whether i am here or i was here, what i want or what i have, how to convey when there might not be anything to's all very confusing....but a statement...of my work or to the revealing of my creations....oh dear i seem to have lost myself...

...either way, T.S.Eliot, complete poetry Titan!

Saturday, 1 May 2010

...the simplicity of beauty is terrifying...

Nico Didonna

I can only begin to describe how talented this designer is. By imagery alone, with the simplistic photography highlighting the garments on a beautiful model (who definitely holds class in her pose) you can see the detail of pattern cutting required to make such individual creations.
A statement in chosen colours of whites, creams, blues and blacks, the spring/summer 10 collection is a calling to love your body, flaunt your stuff with simple dressing rather than the crowded prints that have been hammering the high streets the past few years.

Menswear is also similar to this, although special care has been tended to the patterns of the shirts and jackets, bold pocketing and lifted seamlines. Even the tees have been left mostly plain, only with a random cutting of hem-line, or raw lining to give that bold edge look to the formality.
There is almost a past, vintage feel to the menswear rather to the greek toga release cast in some of the dresses in womenswear, eventhough i am not one for assymetrical dressing, the gathering of fabric and metallic embellishment cascading on to one arm pleases me far too much to dislike.

Overall...amazing, inspiring, fresh.